Budweiser has launched a global campaign starring Argentina's Lionel Messi, who admiringly watches action from the 2019 Fifa Women's World Cup and asks "Who will be next?" ahead of next month's international tournament.
Created by Wieden & Kennedy, the latest iteration of "The world is yours to take" went live on 10 July and asks #WhoWillBringHomeTheBud? It is an extension of Budweiser's World Cup work from last year's men's World Cup.
In the 50-second spot, "Greatness is hers to take", the Argentina captain enters a darkened space, against a backdrop of what initially appear to be theatre curtains viewed from backstage but which eventually transpire to be Budweiser shipping containers. "I know what it feels like to to bring home the Bud after winning the cup," he says.
The sound of ecstatic commentators announcing his team's 2022 World Cup victory cuts in: "Argentina, champions of the world!" The camera closes in on Messi's face as he looks up beatifically, his face caught in a beam of light.
"Who will be next?" he asks. With that, the container behind him becomes a screen on which is projected footage of women's national teams entering the pitch, captains shaking hands before kick off and women's footballing action. Messi looks on admiringly.
"Greatness is hers to take," he says. He kicks a ball at the projection and it melds seamlessly into the projected action, to be headed into a goal.
"This year, you're bringing home more than a trophy," he adds, before opening a bottle of Budweiser. Copy reads: "Who will bring home the Bud? The world is yours to take".
This article has been updated with relevant information as of July 11.