Staff Reporters
Oct 24, 2012

M&C Saatchi launches mobile and tablet marketing unit in Australia

SYDNEY – M&C Saatchi Australia has broadened the scope of its services with the launch of a specialist mobile and tablet marketing division.

Di Mento: education will be a key task
Di Mento: education will be a key task

M&C Saatchi Mobile will offer “an end-to-end service that incorporates mobile strategy, planning, buying, tracking, optimisation and reporting”, according to a statement from the agency.

The unit will be led by Sarah Di Mento (pictured) as business development manager. Di Mento was formerly at Mi9, a separate mobile marketing consultancy.

M&C Saatchi Mobile will draw on production and creative resources within the network. James Hilton, the division’s global chief executive, said at the launch that the service would help make mobile and tablets an “integral part” of clients’ marketing strategy.

Hilton pointed to statistics that showed close to 40 per cent of Australians use mobile as the primary means of accessing the internet. Tablet penetration is also set to reach nearly 40 per cent by the end of the year.

Mobile advertising spend is expected to reach US$28 million by 2013, and $82 million by 2016, according to Frost & Sullivan.

However, Di Mento said the biggest challenge would be convincing brands to use mobile as an intrinsic part of marketing. “Educating clients and taking them through the often complicated and always changing landscape will be a key part of my role,” she said.


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