Snap a photo. ‘Instagram’ it. Post it on Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. The result? A plethora of likes, retweets and repins.
Instagram still has a devout following, even after the controversy earlier this year. But then, who doesn’t love beautiful images that can be produced on-the-go? The beauty about Instagram for brands is you don’t have to be/employ a professional photographer or graphic designer to use it.
Instagram’s success lies in the simple act of giving us all the tools to create and express ourselves and our everyday events, in artistic photos. It showcases a glimpse of our lives—with a refined lens—depending on the settings you use, of course.
And, the figures certainly don’t lie. In early 2013, Instagram pulled in a mighty 90 million active monthly users. Wow. Has ‘Instagramming’ become a new verb?
So here are six tips for marketers on how to take and use Instagram photos to enhance your brand’s image:
1. Simply the best
Only use the best images you’ve taken as they will produce the most captivating results. Get rid of any mediocre images. In a world saturated with images and videos, only the best need apply.
2. Be savvy and find your style
Do play around with different styles and techniques until you find the ones that work best for your brand (or the ones you think are the most unique). Don’t be afraid to trial them out. Remember, you are the photo editor and your photos are a reflection of your brand.
3. It’s quality that matters; not quantity
Upload one or two pictures rather than an endless stream. It is more impactful to go with fewer images that are beautifully enhanced than an album that nobody will bother looking at.
4. Dare to be different
Pictures that are emotive, capture something special, unique or highlight the kooky will garner more interest than your run-of-the-mill photos. Dare to post truthful and thought-provoking images that stick (and people will want to share).
5. Smart captions
Always caption your photos whether your tone is serious, witty, sweet or just plain silly. But, keep captions concise. As every good editor will tell you, a witty caption frames the photo, puts it in context and makes it pop.
6. Don’t be shy
Spread the love. If you’re proud of your photos, then show them off. Circulate the images across your networks by posting them to Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. After all, things of great beauty need to be appreciated by as many people as possible; otherwise they’re wasted.