Reusable flask brand Ocean Bottle is encouraging people to come clean on their sustainability slip-ups in its first brand campaign, which aims to challenge consumers taking the "all or nothing" approach when it comes to living sustainably.
The digital campaign is being launched with an animated spot 'Econfessions of Ocean Bottle' by Drum. Three colourful characters are seen committing some eco faux pas, such as using an overflowing bin, not recycling, drinking bottled water and forgetting to use reusable bags. The spot, which will run across social channels, was animated by Parallel Teeth through Strange Beast.
For Ocean Bottle's 'Econfession challenge', key talent collaborating on the campaign will ask the public via TikTok and Instagram to come clean on their most shocking sustainability confession.
Ehiz, Tega Alexander and Maddy Lucy Dann will be promoting the campaign. Ocean Bottle will then repurpose the user-generated #econfession content through guerilla marketing in central London.
For every social post that uses the hashtag #econfession, Ocean Bottle will stop 10 plastic bottles from entering our ocean, in partnership with Plastic Bank.
Ocean Bottle's investment into TikTok is part of an initiative to appeal to a broader audience. TikTok is supporting the campaign by boosting it on the discovery feed on the 20 August, as part of its TikTok For Good initiative.
Nick Doman, founder and co-chief executive of Ocean Bottle, said: "Here at Ocean Bottle, we know perfection is impossible to achieve and as a collective want everyone to join us and do small acts that better the environment. For our first brand campaign, we launched 'Econfession' as a call to action for us all to acknowledge our not-so eco-friendly habits as a first step to doing better.
"We're excited to launch our first direct-to-consumer brand campaign, 'Econfession', to build on our existing community and bring forward our target of collecting 80,000,000kg of plastic to prevent this from reaching our ocean by 2025."