How did you get into the industry?
I had ‘job’ envy, a friend of mine worked at WCRS in Long Acre, Covent Garden – it had great looking people and a bar. I thought these are cool kids – where do I sign up. Five years later the industry let me in.
What was your first ever job?
I was a booker and talent scout for a model agency.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I am not known for my tact, but on the plus side – you know where you stand.
On what occasion do you lie?
You need to be uber-cunning to lie well. I’d rather not dispel effort or energy, covering my tracks. If anything I am too open and that has its own complexities.
Name one thing about yourself that few people know.
I am sitting on an unfinished screenplay entitled Muse. It’s about a struggling female screenwriter. Ironic.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
It looks like a dog’s dinner.
What’s your most evocative childhood memory?
I was about six when my little brother, two, came into the room to give me a hug. For some reason, I opted to give him a hefty slap instead; I can still hear the ‘crack’ today, as his little face contorted, turned pink, and he burst into tears. I’ve never felt so awful. Good job he’s a much more forgiving younger brother, than I am a meanie older sister. Today, we adore each other madly, and he’s fiercely protective of me. God bless him, the little pink faced bugger.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Cycling 720km across the Pyrenees in 100 hours, whilst still answering emails from Barry Cupples [my boss].
What makes you happy?
Quality time with loved ones, holding hands and our cats.
What is the most interesting place you have ever been?
Uganda. To sit with the Gorillas at Bwindi. Fragile and emotional stuff.
What is the last book you read?
The Wisdom of Whores. Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS by Elizabeth Pisani. It’s a brilliant perspective on a wide range of positions regarding HIV and Aids – with key socio-economic facts explored and debunked.
When did you last cry and why?
Last week at Marina Bay Sands. The opening sequence of Lion King was energetic, evocative and emotional. A tad embarrassing when you are sitting next to the client.
What is your greatest regret?
Not going to drama school.
If you could spend one day with a celebrity/historical figure, who would it be?
Judd Apatow. Talented, talented writer.
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
That I am doing ok and my Dad would be proud.
Describe your typical day.
Caterwauling. Kiss fella good morning. Feed cats. Feed us. Kiss fella goodbye. Cycle to work. Shower. WIP with the girls. Emails. Banter with Barry. New business calls. Secret OMG business. Lunch. Facebook. Banter with Cheuk. Secret OMG business. Emails. Yammer. Secret OMG business. WIP with the girls. Cycle home. Caterwauling. Feed cats. Feed us. Conference call. Cuddle. Kiss fella goodnight.
Can you suggest a question for our next Q&A candidate?
If you could save one animal from extinction, what would it be?
If Hollywood is making a movie of your life, which movie star would play you and why? (question supplied by Y&R’s Matthew Godfrey)
Lauren Bacall (as Schatze Page) - confident, sets challenges, uses her strengths to advantage