Campaign India Team
Nov 23, 2020

Instagram adds updates to branded content capabilities

To help increase transparency, the 'branded content' tag was launched on Reels on 20 November and will begin testing in Live in the 'coming weeks'

Instagram adds updates to branded content capabilities
Instagram has added the 'branded content' tag to Reels and Live as it looks to make it easier for creators and brands to create, share and amplify branded content across the platform.
The platform wants to ensure creators can clearly disclose when they’re creating branded content. 
In June 2019, Instagram launched the ability for brands to run branded content posts as ads. Till now, ads could only be created by promoting the existing posts from creators.
That is changing as Instagram has launched a new workflow where advertisers can create branded content ads without the need for creators to post organically on Instagram first. The platform states that this process has been designed with creator control in mind - creators can approve and pause any ads published from their handle.
  • Advertisers sends request for ad creation access
  • Creator accepts Ad Creation Access
  • Notification sent to the advertiser upon acceptance
  • Creator receives notification of the created ad for their approval
Branded content ads in Stories can now include tappable elements, such as @mentions, location and hashtags. The platform has introduced the ability for businesses to promote branded content posts with product tags. This new ad format is a way brands can provide a seamless shopping experience on Instagram. This new format will begin testing in the coming months.
Instagram recently launched the ability for businesses and creators to set a minimum age for their branded content feed posts on Instagram. They can choose to set a default minimum age or a minimum age for specific countries, or a combination of both.
Campaign India

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