Havas Media endured a mixed year in 2020, where it saw the departure of senior executives, beginning with Anita Nayyar (and hiring of Mohit Joshi) as the India and southeast Asia CEO and endin the year with 25-year veteran Vishnu Mohan’s exit in early 2021. In between, the agency gamely tried to boost its business in APAC, with wins such as Florentia Village Outlets in China and Grab in Indonesia in the year, but struggled for traction.
Did management churn and lackluster new business performance change the agency's overall grade? Our full Agency Report Card on Havas Media—including the overall grade plus a detailed analysis and scores for management; innovation; clients and business; creativity; and people and diversity—is available only to Campaign Asia-Pacific members.
Become a member to get access to all 39 of the 2020 Agency Report Cards, plus many additional benefits.