The analytics company’s Online Video Rankings for the month of October 2015 lists Yahoo sites and FC2 inc. in second and third place respectively. The findings are based on internet users across Japan aged six and above, accessing from desktop computers at home and at work.
Google sites reached 81 per cent of the online population (49.6 million unique viewers). Yahoo sites reached 76 per cent (23.9 million unique viewers), while FC2 reached 37 per cent (13.8 million unique viewers). [Figures have been rounded.]
The full top 10 ranking is as follows:
1.Google sites
2. Yahoo sites
3. FC2 inc.
4. Kadokawa Dwango Corporation
5. DMM
6. Twitter
7. Facebook
8. Teads sites
9. Maker Studios inc.
10. QuizGroup
The survey also assessed the top YouTube Partner Channels in the market. Netflix, which launched in Japan in September, came top, with 7.8 million unique viewers. Next cams Disney/Maker Studios (7.6 million unique viewers) and QuizGroup (7.3 million unique viewers).
The full top 10 YouTube Partner Channels in October were:
1. Netflixinc@YouTube
2. Disney/Maker Studios@YouTube
3. QuizGroup@YouTube
4. Warner Music@YouTube
5. UMG@YouTube
6. avex@YouTube
7. Victor@YouTube
8. Vevo@YouTube
9. SMEJ@YouTube
10. SonyBMG@YouTube