Asiya Bakht
May 4, 2010

BBDO Malaysia ECD Mun Tuck Wai is set to relocate

KUALA LUMPUR - Mun Tuck Wai (pictured), the executive creative director of BBDO Proximity Malaysia, is believed to be exploring relocating to a new place within the BBDO network.

BBDO Malaysia ECD Mun Tuck Wai is set to relocate
A press statement released by BBDO Proximity Malaysia to Media, stated that "BBDO/Proximity Malaysia is in the midst of finalising the hire of a new creative leader to succeed its executive creative director Mun Tuck Wai, who has expressed interest in relocating to an overseas agency within the BBDO network."

BBDO Proximity announced Mun's intention to its clients and staff members at the end of April in a bid to ease into a transition period while the agency finalises details of its new hire and Mun's overseas options.

Mun expressed his aspirations to further his career overseas late last year but his transfer is not expected to take place for some time. BBDO/Proximity Malaysia is still looking for prospective options that match Mun's aspirations as well his prospective agency's vision and needs.

Jennifer Chan, group chief executive of BBDO Proximity Malaysia, said: “We are taking Mun's request seriously. We believe in advancing our talents' best interest and we're still looking for the best possible options for him."

The agency will formally announce the hire when it is able to make those details public.

Mun was promoted as the creative leader of BBDO Proximity Malaysia in September last year after the relocation of Ronald Ng to New York as executive vice-president and ECD at BBDO New York. He joined BBDO in 2006 after a six years stint at Naga DDB. He has previously worked at Batey Malaysia and Sil Ad.

Mun was selected as top worldwide art director and second best international Creative Director in the world by The Big Won Report last year. He was also instrumental in the development of BBDO/Proximity Malaysia's 'Two Worlds' campaign for Jeep, also called 'Bushman/Eskimo' and 'Husky/Camel'. 

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