Jane Leung
Sep 25, 2009

Asobio hands Weber Shandwick PR account for flagship store launch in Shanghai

SHANGHAI - Weber Shandwick will handle the launch of the flagship store of Italian fashion brand Asobio in Shanghai.

Asobio hands Weber Shandwick PR account for flagship store launch in Shanghai
The public relations agency will manage media relations and market presence in the Chinese fashion industry.

The marketing push will be based on the theme of 'Lifestyle is an attitude'. Launched in the market a year ago, Weber Shandhwick Shanghai will be in charge of generating media coverage.

Targeting the white collar sector, Asobio competes in the same category as H&M, Zara and Topshop. These competing brands are already well established internationally and are known for collaborations with top designers. A spokesperson from Weber Shandwick noted that Asobio will consequently have to play catch-up very quickly but that it has  “no doubt” it can raise the brand's profile as Shanghai is a city hungry for fashion.

“Asobio strives to lead the fashion world into a new perspective of urbanism, and we wanted to team with a PR agency to help us build up brand awareness and establish solid relations with key fashion media across China,” said Marco Pagani, brand director of Asobio.

Campaign China

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