The Omnicom agency won the account following a pitch launched earlier this year in May, which initially included the incumbent Lowe, McCann Erickson, DraftFCB, DDB, JWT and Ogilvy & Mather. The final pitch was held in New York and included BBDO, Lowe and JWT.
BBDO reportedly pitched the business in partnership with sister agency Roberts + Langer DDB.
BBDO works with J&J as agency-of-record on a number of brands including Nicorette, and it is thought that this experience was an important factor in securing the win.
Lowe has handled the account since 1991. In Asia, the agency was responsible the entire baby products range for J&J and a few adult brands in some parts of the region.
According to a source close to the pitch, Asia was an important consideration for the client, given the fact that more babies will be born in the region over the next 10 years than anywhere else globally. As such, J&J was looking for an idea with global appeal that can be appropriated in local markets.
Profero is the incumbent agency on the digital account.
Johnson & Johnson’s global media business is split among OMD, Carat and IPG. OMD holds the media business in eight key markets in APAC, Latin America and parts of CEE.