The video above may be NSFW, if your employer objects to seashells, coin purses, fortune cookies, papayas, and other objects standing in for female gentalia. And singing.
The campaign is for feminine-hygiene brand Libresse and was released initially in Sweden and Denmark. The agency is Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO and it was directed by Kim Gehrig through Somesuch. Campaign UK has more details on the campaign.
Libresse's parent, Essity, sells Libresse in Malaysia, but somehow Ad Nut cannot imagine this video getting the go-ahead there. Or even being proposed.
Which is too bad, because the message is a good one. Ad Nut is disturbed by growth in cosmetic genital surgery, which is marketed to women under the disgusting euphemism "vaginal rejuvenation". According to various sources such as the BBC, even young girls are being made to feel their nether bits are ugly. Nice job, society!
Ad Nut strongly concurs with Libresse that creatures should not mess with the equipment they've been given, except in cases where it's medically warranted. As the young woman at the end of the video puts it, "There's no wrong answer down there."
- From the archives: This isn't the first time Libresse has pushed conventions on behalf of a body-positive message; see, "Blood is normal: Why a new campaign dares to show menstrual blood".
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