Ikea has released a prequel to The Tortoise and the Hare to highlight the importance of a good night’s sleep.
Created by Mother, “The hare” follows a furry-tailed, hoodie-wearing hare as it enjoys a few pints and a carrot during a night out. The hare plays guitar and watches fellow mammals on their laptop before passing out on the sofa. The next morning, a tortoise wakes up completely refreshed after a night of slumber on an Ikea bed, before leaving its flat wearing a race number.
The ad is directed by Sam Pilling through Pulse, with British hip-hop classic Witness (1 Hope) by Roots Manuva forming the soundtrack. Launching today (4 September), it will be supported by both digital and outdoor activity, set to appear from 14 September and 21 September, respectively.
“2020 has been a strange year and, as we’ve all slowly adapted to the new normal, a lot of people have found that their sleep has been affected,” Kemi Anthony, marketing communication manager at Ikea UK and Ireland, said.
“Stress and anxiety can have a really damaging effect on sleep, which in turn impacts our waking life, too. A good night’s sleep sets us up for a great next day, and the new integrated campaign aims to help people find ways to prioritise sleep."
The campaign’s outdoor work claims that a good night’s sleep will deliver more satisfying results than energy drinks, anti-ageing creams and vitamin supplements. The photography for the executions was shot by Amy Currell.
Ikea is far from the first brand to adapt a classic children's story for an ad campaign. In 2012, for example, The Guardian reimagined Three Little Pigs in a bid to show its open journalism and multiplatform credentials.
In January 2019, Ikea launched an ad featuring pyjama-wearing revellers turning up to a nightclub full of beds, and hosted a series of in-store sleep events to help the nation sleep better.