Simply Her is adding a bolder look to its masthead and fonts. It is also releasing a more structured and simplified layout aimed at time-strapped readers.
The publication has stepped up its content, giving readers 25 per cent more pages with articles covering fashion, beauty and shopping. New sections in the September issue include 'Live made easy', 'Home & kids', 'Workshop', 'Wardrobe workout' and 'Team about town'.
According to editor Penelope Chan, “We’ve brought a sense of sharing into our stories, showcasing more readers in our makeovers and real-life stories.”
Chan also mentions the publication is encouraging more readers to get involved by testing products, contribute coping strategies at work and home, fashion and beauty tips, time-saving tricks and tried-and-trusted recipes.
The new issue of Simply Her is available at selected retail outlets in Singapore. Readers can enjoy discounts and treats at places like Spinelli, Barracks at House, Haagen Dazs and Patisserie Glace.