The app, devised by a German developer, also enables Twitter users to tweet without adhering to the 140 character limit, freeing them to post whole swathes of text.
Once a user has registered with RichTweets, they can start creating tweets including different fonts, coloured text and emoticons, as well as embedded images, videos and widgets.
After creating your enhanced message, RichTweet generates a web page with a unique URL that will automatically appear in your tweet. Your Twitter followers can then click on the link to view your ‘pimped tweet'.
Users can also pubilsh RichTweets on any other social networking websites or can send them via email encouraging friends to view and comment on the tweets.
RichTweet works in a similar way to Twitter photo app Twitpic. The only difference is that Twitpic is mainly for sharing of photos on Twitter whereas Rich Tweets allows users to share combination of text, images and videos all in one page.