In a market-first collaboration with Sinomonitor, MediaCom China have developed a unique typology of China’s luxury consumers that will help brands better connect with an increasingly sophisticated audience.
The white paper identified six unique luxury segments, each with distinct and specific behaviours, different attitudes and lifestyles, and different affinities towards brands. The six luxury types serve as guidance to marketers who want to better understand their audience. It can also offer answers on where and how to engage with them, and it helps brands better leverage the opportunities that present themselves in China’s growing luxury market.
Peter Petermann, chief strategy officer of MediaCom China said, “The MediaCom Luxury Segmentation is the latest example of how we put our extensive knowledge of consumers to work. Based on a sample size of 12,531 high-income individuals, we have created a unique analysis of China's luxury consumers—a tool that will help luxury marketers to better identify and engage with their audiences."
Iris Chin, General Manager of Luxury Brands also shared, “This report gives us a better perspective of who the real luxury shoppers are. It gives us a better vision of how we can broaden our marketing efforts, be more relevant in our communication strategies for luxury brands, and better differentiate luxury brand territories vs. the competition.”
About BLINK BLINK is MediaCom’s global thought leadership programme, designed to help advertisers understand and leverage the latest global marketing trends, topics and insights. The BLINK umbrella brings together an award-winning biannual magazine, future-focused conferences, trend reports, white papers, and a monthly newsletter drop of the latest and greatest in media and marketing. In China, MediaCom publishes quarterly BLINK whitepapers based on bespoke research and insights. |
Making research a reality
In conjunction with its white paper, MediaCom China hosted an exclusive, fully immersive luxury event at Liangshe in Shanghai on 29 November.
More than 100 guests from different luxury categories joined the event to learn more about MediaCom’s six defined consumer segments during several live ‘improvisations’. During the bits, actors portrayed archetypes, fitting the attitude, lifestyle, and even living space of each segment. As event-goers explored fully immersive spaces they got a real sense of the who, why, where and what of each persona. Live music amped the rest of the evening to a high-caliber networking event.

Rupert McPetrie, CEO of MediaCom China commented on the event, “China’s luxury market is the largest in the world. Therefore, it’s critical for luxury brands to understand how to win Chinese luxury consumers over. Our live luxury event gave our clients a clearer picture of the different types of China's luxury consumers and how to drive further growth for their luxury businesses."