Ad tech company Media iQ has launched AiQx, a platform it claims is the first programmatic-first, AI-powered platform designed for media planners.
"AiQx is a portal by which planners can access our up to 25 machine-learning powered solutions," chief operating officer Paul Silver said. "It's the window into our brain, if you will."
The platform's interface is disarmingly simple. It starts with a simple search bar into which planners can type a brand name to see the most pertinent information needed around activation and buying. The tool will also call up data on the company's closest competitors.
"We've made it as simple as possible for planners to derive insight from data," Silver said. "Everyone in the industry is talking about putting data in the hands of the masses, but that doesn't work if it's only accessible by data scientists."
Media iQ promises that its platform is refreshed with new data, generated by themselves and by third-party partners, seven million times a quarter. The data, claims the tech company, spans 60 million consumers and provides up to 20 different perspectives.
Some of the insights gleaned during a live-demonstration on the brand BMW, turned up search-interest patterns in the brand, social-media trends as well as consumer insights.
"Ah... it would seem people interested in BMW have dieting goals and are not that interested in weddings," Dennis Yurkevich associate director of product development observed during the demonstration.
The platform has been beta-tested with M/SIX and Total Media.