ABC - which retails for US$24 a carton, compared with $8 for mainstream brands - is the dominant premium brand in Cambodia. Anchor competes against Angkor in the mid-range section. Leo Burnett/M&T Vietnam managing director, Phil McDonald, said the appointment was preceded by the growing realisation that Cambodia was becoming very sophisticated. "Cambodians are switched-on when it comes to new brands and advertising. Admittedly, there is still some catching up to do but we see the catch-up taking place at a much faster pace than originally expected. It will be much faster than what has taken place in Vietnam over the past decade."
The branding campaigns, which will consist of television, print, outdoor and point-of-purchase activities, are expected to roll out nationally for both ABC and Anchor early next month. Cambodia Breweries previously hired a local agency for creative work. There was no pitch, however, Burnett is no stranger to Asia Pacific Breweries - it handles its beer brands across Asia. Zenith Media will continue to handle media planning and buying.