A German style black lager (Schwarzbier) brewed with malts and coffee, Archipresso is the result of a collaboration of Colin Paige, brewmaster of Archipelago Brewery and Harry Grover, head barista and proprietor of 40 Hands.
A malt-driven beer, the use of English Challenger hops creates balancing bitterness, with English Fuggles hops adding to the earthy chocolaty character.
Commenting on the new product, Hoshang Mehta, head of Archipelago Brewery, said, “Innovation is the heart of a microbrewery dedicated to world class craft beers and this is our driving force at the Archipelago Brewery. It all begins with an idea, often themed to an occasion or pegged to a particular brewing style that is rich in heritage, allowing us to create world beers that deliver experiences beyond the ordinary.”
Paige, meanwhile, noted that the brew is about coming up with something new, as well as to build partnerships across industry.
“Beer and coffee are two beverages well enjoyed by Singaporeans and residents alike, and to be able to bring them together in this craft brew is extremely fulfilling for both Harry and I. We are confident that craft beer and Third Wave Coffee aficionados’ will enjoy this product,” he added.
Grover said, “I am excited about Archipresso as I hope that it will stoke consumers’ curiosity and give them a new appreciation for craft beer and specialty coffee. It's also an exciting time for the Singapore coffee scene as it continues to develop based on traditional tastes, innovation and experimentation.”