Source: The Rise of Consent-based Advertising: 2021 PageFair Adblock Report, from Blockthrough
More from this source:
- As of the end of 2020 there were 257 million users of desktop adblocking and 586 million users on mobile. However, the report notes that the adblock rates detected by the most common adblock detection methodologies only record about 60% to 80% of total adblock usage.
- Asia leads in adoption of adblocking with 40.6% of users using adblockers, followed by Europe (29.6%), the Americas (19.2%), Africa (9.2%) and Oceania (1.2%)
- A silver lining for publishers: More than 200 million users of adblocking software have consented to receive ads through Acceptable Ads, a framework that allows publishers to earn revenue by serving light, non-intrusive ads to consenting users of participating adblockers. This represents 435% growth on mobile from 2019 to 2020.
This article is filed under... Top of the Charts: Key data at a glance |