Launched on 5 June, the new two-minute spot for Pepsi Pinas has already made it into the top 30 of the global viral video chart. As of Tuesday night it was at number 28. At press time it was approaching 290,000 YouTube hits.
Paying tribute to the Pinoy action movie genre of the 1980s, the video features flares, eyepatched villains and owner-type police jeeps.
Commented David Guerrero, chief creative officer, "We are all very excited by the overwhelmingly positive feedback for the campaign. The spot pays tribute to a uniquely Filipino action movie genre. It's something this generation grew up with and it seems to have really struck a chord with them."
The video has attracted multiple comments online and many thousands of hits from Filipino diaspora around the world.
One comment on YouTube stated, "Ang galing-galing!!!! A must-see for Pinoys abroad. Absolutely hilarious!!! The best spoof of 'classic' Pinoy action movies ever! I don't think foreigners will understand many of the references, though ("say goodbye now because you will be one with the water spinach in the pond!")."
Agency BBDO Guerrero/Proximity Philippines
Chief creative officer David Guerrero
Creative director Dale Lopez
Art directors Dennis Nierra, Tim Villela
Writers Rachel Teotico, Raymund Sison
Digital Xerg Aguilar, Red Ollero
Accounts Francine Kahn-Gonzalez, Carmela Montilla, Dalla Sucgang, Marga Marquez, Lawrence Villegas
Strat Planning Eileen Borromeo, Cristina Buenaventura
Producer Aldous Pagaduan
Director Joel Limchon
Production house Revolver Studios