Happy New Year! Ad Nut, who is feeling recharged after a nice break filled with long sleeps and perhaps too many nut-filled bonbons, wishes you a productive and happy 2019.
Helping to start out the year on a positive note, here's a campaign from BBH Shanghai and AB InBev-owned Harbin beer. Rather than showing the risks of driving drunk, it focuses on the positive life outcomes one might look forward to if one chooses not to do so. Of course, not everyone will sink the winning shot in a big basketball game or find themselves dancing on TV, as Zhang Yishan does in the video. But those who die a grisly death or get slapped with a lengthy prison sentence certainly won't do those things, so it's a good message.
The campaign, which launched in December, includes TV and online video, experiential installations, social and digital activation and OOH stunts, according to the agency. A pop-up exhibition, the ‘Lost & Found Museum’, in Shanghai, feautured 52 art installations by 11 artists, including 'Crushed Future' (below).

Business Lead:
Executive Chairman: Arto Hampartsoumian
Managing Partner: Elvis Li
Creative team:
Chief Creative Officer: Arthur Tsang
Executive Creative Director: Yinbo Ma
Creative Director: Cathy Chao, Issac Ku
Senior Copywriter: Blu Wang, CK Shan
Senior Art Director: Anfia Lin
Account team:
Group Account Director: Scarlett Xi
Account Manager: Yineng Li
Account Executive: Yvaine Wang
Planning Director: Matt Nolan
Planner: Hubert Mou
Agency Executive Producer: Weisian Lee
Production house: A Newlife Films 心生活
Director: Steven Chen
Production house Producer: Megan Chen (Executive Producer)
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