She considers a number of key issues surrounding skills and talent in the media industry, with a particular focus on the digital sphere. But even in that field, where technical skills are so important, she says it's curiosity that again trumps all other attributes.
"A lot of times, they (new recruits) just lack the curiosity to look for new things," she says.
That's because the digital world is slowly transforming into a blend of previously siloed media sectors. "In this day and age, it's not just about digital, it's digital plus social plus tradtional and integrating all that," Tsui notes. "You need to have that sense of curiosity to be able to do it."
Of course, there are things employers need to also do to truly get the most out of their staff.
"(You have to) really instill and build a true sense of culture," she says. "(And) it can't be a cookie-cutter. At Neo, our focus is all on digital."
Furthermore, it's up to leaders, including Tsui herself, to maintain that culture for all of those below them on the organisational chart. "For the leaders to be able to walk and talk and live and breathe the culture is very important," she says.
The media industry as a whole can also do its part - by improving its image among other creative fields. "Bringing glamour back to the industry will help a lot," Tsui says, "I think we all need a lot of fun (in our work).