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On Weibo during the 2014 FIFA World Cup, brands are responsible for their own social-media scores, and Chinese netizens need only enjoy (or disprove of) the brands' reactions to the daily matches. Campaign Asia-Pacific will keep our eyes online and pick out examples of brands that stand out for being quick on their feet, until the final game on 13 July.
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Brands need to understand that women can feel alienated due to the ‘broligarchy’ and the corresponding rise in hate speech.
Always on the lookout for emerging platforms and trends, Adlina has been instrumental in keeping Gov@Publicis relevant by embracing unchartered frontiers, driving growth, and reaching new audiences.
Following the news that fashion retailer H&M will use AI to create digital 'twins' of 30 models, we explore if it's a good idea, and what it might mean for creative campaigns.
The acquisition marks a further alignment of the two companies, holding a combined value of $113 billion.