The interactive campaign, developed by TBWA\TEQUILA\Hong Kong, features a live, multi-player game that is accessed via remote wireless connection using smartphones and tablets. It is an interactive ‘Pac-Man’ style game that will be displayed on a large screen, with the user's personal smartphone acting as a game controller.
Hong Kong TVB celebrity and Standard Chartered Bank brand ambassador Moses Chan will appear at Harbour City at 7 pm on Friday 10 February for a kick-off event.
TV audiences are encouraged to visit the Harbour City and Standard Chartered Bank Facebook fan pages before the event to enter a lucky draw to play the game against Chan.
The game is also open to the public. Up to eight players can get involved in the action, which involves collecting shopping icons and attempting to "Catch Moses If You Can" for bonus points. High scorers have a chance to win special prizes and can share their scores via Facebook or Weibo.

The interactive campaign is part of an ongoing, integrated ‘Good Life’ marketing platform to advocate the use of Standard Chartered Bank’s credit cards, giving customers access to special dining, shopping, and travel promotions.
“We are always looking for new innovative ways to engage with our audience," said Basker Rangachari, chief marketing officer, Hong Kong and North East Asia, consumer banking, Standard Chartered Bank. "The joint promotion with Harbour City provided us the perfect opportunity to create something new that will communicate the credit card promotion benefits in a fun and entertaining way."
“This is a great example of utilizing digital technology, beyond the web, to amplify an event and create a rich brand experience that people will remember and share with their friends,” added Luke Eid, head of digital, TBWA\TEQUILA\Hong Kong.
Project name 豪玩海港城 Catch Moses If You Can
Creative agency TBWA\TEQUILA\Hong Kong
Client Standard Chartered Bank
Head of digital Luke Eid
Creative director Lincoln Damen
Associate creative director Key Ng
Copywriter(s) Shawni Cheung, Katie Grove
Digital Designer(s) Albert Leung, Jacky Wong
Executive producer Anne Chan
Account director Joanna Wong, Vivian Wong
Account executive(s) / manager(s) Alex Hui, Ivy Lau
Programming Victor Norgren, Mimosa Poon
Exposure Digital