Racheal Lee
Jul 5, 2013

Pizza Hut turns into Pasta Hut to introduce new menu

SINGAPORE - Pizza Hut turned into a pasta restaurant for five days last week after it renamed its City Square Mall outlet 'Pasta Hut'.

Pizza Hut turns into Pasta Hut to introduce new menu

An initiative spearheaded by the brand and JWT Singapore, the stunt was designed to demonstrate Pizza Hut’s commitment to offer “quality, affordable pasta dishes” and get Singaporeans excited about its new line of pasta dishes, launched this week.

Pizza Hut Singapore’s pasta menu was introduced in 2009 and constitutes more than 20 per cent of Pizza Hut's sales revenue. However, Pizza Hut is not top of mind when it comes to pasta for many Singaporean consumers.

JWT and Pizza Hut wanted to target these consumers and pique their curiosity with its new 'pro-pasta positioning', which saw Pasta Hut serving up 155 kilograms of pasta over the five days.

Pizza Hut Singapore's senior marketing director Juliana Lim said the Pasta Hut plan was a bold stunt that helped create conversations for the brand among its target customers.

“It got Singaporeans thinking about Pizza Hut in a new way, and helped change the perception that we only do Pizza well,” she added.

The campaign kicked off on social media several days ahead of the unveiling of Pasta Hut, teasing Facebook fans with photos of the Pizza Hut signage in transition, with the word 'Pizza' slightly blurred out. Facebook posts invited fans to stay tuned and encouraged them to leave their email addresses to get an invitation to an upcoming event. 

Pizza Hut is now offering a one-for-one deal on all pasta dishes at its outlets.

“We knew the challenge was a tough one, ironically, not with the product but with people’s perception,” said JWT Singapore chief creative officer Valerie Cheng. “We knew that we had to make a statement that would convince even the sceptics to try the product. The success of this bold campaign would have never been possible without the belief and commitment of our clients and our team.”

Campaign Asia

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