The microsite, Klmwithlove.com, invites users to participate in a ‘Love, Us’ Valentine contest and submit unique and interesting love-inspired photographs.
The contest also requires participants to get creative with the KLM Blue overlay to make it an inspiring picture. The participants are able to manipulate the overlay as they like it and have a space below the picture to explain in a few words the inspiration behind it.
The winning photographs will win prizes, which include air tickets to destinations in Europe and Indonesia. The winning entry will be decided by popular vote.
The airline brand believes that travel and romance are intimately connected and wanted to use the excitement of Valentine’s Day to engage with consumers. The objective of the campaign is to deepen consumer’s engagement with KLM as a brand in a fun, quirky and relevant manner.
Stéphanie Ip Cho, the e-commerce manager at Air France KLM, said, “This contest conveys the core values of KLM as a refreshing, genuine and authentic airline whose mission is to inspire travellers along the way. ”
Describing KLM as a very innovative brand to work on, Gautam Dutt, managing director of Media Contacts Singapore, said the campaign is an excellent example of use of online to create impact with a small budget. “It is a simple idea which appeals to a broad cross section of people.”
The website is being promoted through Facebook and minimal paid content. The microsite is linked with Facebook through Facebook Connect. Participants can invite friends to participate in the contest across various social media platforms.