Staff Reporters
May 25, 2020

Indonesia telcos lead YouTube's list of the year's top 10 Ramadan videos

IM3 Ooredoo, Telkomsel, Grab and Vivo struck chords with stories about—and made during—COVID-19 isolation.

Indonesia telcos lead YouTube's list of the year's top 10 Ramadan videos

YouTube provided this list of the video ads that have racked up the most views during the runup to Ramadan this year. Collectively, the first five videos listed here have scored nearly 150 million YouTube views.

Silaturahmi Setiap Hari
IM3 Ooredoo, Indonesia

Terus Jalankan Kebaikan
Telkomsel, Indonesia

P&G #MaafIbuDiHidupku | #DiRumahAja dekatkan hati yang terpisah jarak, Ramadhan 2020 jadi spesial.
Pantene, Indonesia

Ramadan, Ala Yang di Rumah Aja
Grab Indonesia

(See: "Grab makes an impact with ‘contactless’ campaign during Ramadan")

#RayaStyleLain with vivo 2020
Vivo, Malaysia

Sempurnakan Waktu Berbuka
McDonalds, Malaysia

IKLAN RAYA ADABI 2020 | #AdabiRayaTetapRaya
Adabi, Malaysia

Iss Ramadan Tang say miley aik taazgi bhara ghoont.
Tang, Pakistan

NESTLÉ MILKPAK Ramadan Recipe - Malai Paratha
Nestlé, Pakistan

How to Pray Taraweeh at Home
MuslimSg, Singapore

Campaign Asia

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