I recently saw the Tim Burton Exhibition at the MOMA in NY. I loved the way he has created his own, unique aesthetic. It all felt so original, and it was wonderful to see how some of his best ideas started out the same way ours do – as doodles on a restaurant napkin.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Knock back a double shot latte.
What’s your favourite word?
Antisappointment*. It perfectly describes what we feel so often in this business.
*Copywrite of the creative department at Clemenger BBDO in Sydney.
What’s your favourite song lyric?
“It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll.” Or, as we used to sing it as kids, “It’s a long way to the shop if you want a sausage roll.”
Sex, drugs or rock and roll?
None. This is Singapore.
Ad you’re most ashamed of?
The Mitsubishi van campaign where we had a dog jump right through the Mitsubishi van with loading doors on both sides, then try to jump through a van with loading doors on only one side. SMACK! I loved it then, but now Juggi has made us all join WSPCA.
Ad you wish you’d made?
HBO Voyeur. The freshest thing done in this industry for a long time. I loved the way it didn’t just lead you from one media to another, but took you deeper and deeper into its content every step of the way.
Gadget you couldn’t live without?
The TV remote control.
Worst haircut you’ve ever had?
The prince valliant. A long pageboy cut with a crooked fringe. Thanks Mum.
The world ends in one hour. What do you do?
I’ve been waiting for a good excuse to open a special bottle of wine I have been saving. This might be it.
If you had a trained monkey, what would you make it do?
Make it jump through a Mitsubishi van.
What do you wear in bed?
Depends on what I’m doing in bed.
Got a view?
Email [email protected]