Digital and tech agency Collective World has launched a “green” media agency, called Collective Performance.
Formerly Collective World offered media through a group of media specialists within the main agency, but Collective Performance has now replaced this offering and will be a standalone business within Collective.
It will be offering services such as paid media, SEO, customer experience and social. Its services will be run through partnerships with sustainable platforms and companies that offer green media solutions.
The agency has also invested in research and development to create new performance marketing tools and find adtech partners to measure and mitigate the carbon footprint of digital media.
The agency has created the offering to begin moving towards the goal of 100% carbon-neutral media.
Liam Scott, performance marketing lead at Collective Media, admitted this goal “will take time” and the agency didn’t “have all the answers”, but it would get there.
He added: “The world is demanding a more responsible approach to growth, and we’re committed to making it happen because there is no plan B.