The entertaining video features real-life scenes of parents going to great lengths to entertain their kids—or tolerate the antics of their wee ones. The clips were culled from actual YouTube videos.
Ad Nut believes the star of the show is the anthemic backing song, 'Tell me why'. It sounds like something the couples in the target audience might have heard on their first date. But if you can't quite place it, don't worry: it was actually commissioned for the ad.
The Works:
Creative Partner: Paul Swann
Creative Strategy Director: Andy Pilkington
Digital Strategy Director: Damien Hughes
Creative Lead: Nathan Bilton and Guy Patrick
Digital Art Director: Leighton Edridge
Creative Design Lead: Chris Dwyer
Head of Digital Production: Dave Flanagan
Creative Project Leader: Leigh Bigelow
Creative Project Manager: Catriona Heapy
Content Production Manager: Tristan Drummond
Social Media Strategist: Vanessa Hartley
Digital Acceleration Lea:, Sharon Parker
Senior Brand Manager Children’s Panadol: Charrisa King
Clip Sourcing: Rightster
Music: Peter Mauder, Phonotheuqe
Media Agency: Maxus