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Nov 14, 2022

Agency of the Year 2022 shortlist: Greater China

See the shortlist for the Greater China categories in the 2022 Campaign Asia-Pacific Agency of the Year awards.

Agency of the Year 2022 shortlist: Greater China
Category Agency  Market ID
China Creative Agency of the Year BBDO China China GC01.383571
Ogilvy China China GC01.383632
SG China GC01.383193
TBWA\China China GC01.384474
Hong Kong SAR Creative Agency of the Year Cedar Hong Kong  Hong Kong SAR GC02.384616
DDB Group Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC02.385502
dentsu Creative Hong Kong SAR GC02.384955
M&C Saatchi Spencer Hong Kong SAR GC02.385283
Ogilvy Hong Kong SAR GC02.384358
Taiwan Creative Agency of the Year BBDO Taiwan Taiwan GC03.383572
dentsu mcgarrybowen Taiwan Taiwan GC03.383342
dentsu one Taipei Taiwan GC03.384810
Leo Burnett Taiwan Taiwan GC03.385897
Ogilvy Taiwan Taiwan GC03.383353
China Digital Agency of the Year Digitas China China GC04.384665
Merkle China China GC04.384529
Ogilvy China China GC04.383633
TBWA\China China GC04.384476
UM China GC04.385577
Hong Kong SAR Digital Agency of the Year MediaCom HK Hong Kong SAR GC05.385537
Mindshare Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC05.384508
Ogilvy Hong Kong SAR GC05.384361
OMD Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC05.385079
PHD Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC05.385067
Taiwan Digital Agency of the Year Carat Taiwan Taiwan GC06.385610
dentsu X Taiwan Taiwan GC06.383833
Ogilvy Taiwan Taiwan GC06.383354
Starcom Taiwan Taiwan GC06.386219
Zenith Taiwan Taiwan GC06.386326
China Media Agency of the Year dentsu X China GC07.384588
Initiative China GC07.385418
iProspect China GC07.384587
PHD China GC07.384571
Wavemaker China GC07.383304
Hong Kong SAR Media Agency of the Year MediaCom HK Hong Kong SAR GC08.385570
Mindshare Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC08.384507
OMD Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC08.385080
PHD Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC08.385075
Zenith Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC08.385667
Taiwan Media Agency of the Year Carat Taiwan Taiwan GC09.385592
dentsu X Taiwan Taiwan GC09.383832
PHD Taiwan Taiwan GC09.384844
Starcom Taiwan Taiwan GC09.385409
Zenith Taiwan Taiwan GC09.384384
China PR Agency of the Year Dentsu Public Relations Consulting Beijing China GC10.384442
Hill+Knowlton Strategies China GC10.383426
MSL China China GC10.383743
Ogilvy China China GC10.383634
Weber Shandwick China GC10.386101
Hong Kong SAR PR Agency of the Year Edelman Hong Kong SAR GC11.385607
Manning Selvage & Lee Hong Kong SAR GC11.385671
Ogilvy Hong Kong SAR GC11.384359
Sandpiper Hong Kong SAR GC11.385678
Sinclair Hong Kong SAR GC11.386004
Taiwan PR Agency of the Year Ogilvy Taiwan Taiwan GC12.383355
VOCAL MIDDLE Communications Consultants Taiwan GC12.386205
Greater China B2B Marketing Agency of the Year Artefact China China GC14.383630
Media.Monks China China GC14.385084
Merkle China China GC14.384530
Publicis Sapient China China GC14.384250
Sinclair Hong Kong SAR GC14.386037
Greater China B2C Marketing Agency of the Year Digitas China China GC15.384667
Media.Monks China China GC15.385085
Sinclair Hong Kong SAR GC15.386056
Greater China Best Culture BBDO Greater China China GC16.383573
DDB Group Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC16.385496
Grey group China China GC16.384117
Publicis1 China GC16.384595
Weber Shandwick China GC16.386247
Greater China Best Place to Work Assembly Hong Kong SAR GC17.385539
BBDO Greater China China GC17.383574
Edelman Hong Kong SAR GC17.386349
Narrow Door Hong Kong SAR GC17.384154
PHD Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC17.385076
Greater China Boutique Agency of the Year KLUE China GC18.386574
Stig&Xi China GC18.386243
Stink Studios China China GC18.385098
The Orangeblowfish China GC18.385585
Ylab Limited China GC18.384099
Greater China Brand Design Agency of the Year Landor & Fitch Hong Kong SAR GC19.384861
M&C Saatchi Spencer Hong Kong SAR GC19.385269
MetaDesign China GC19.386049
Greater China Brand Experience Agency of the Year BBDO LIVE China GC20.383676
Imagination China GC20.385349
LEO Digital Network China GC20.384422
Media.Monks China China GC20.385086
Wiredcraft China GC20.384981
Greater China Consultancy of the Year Artefact China China GC21.383719
dentsu mcgarrybowen Taiwan Taiwan GC21.383344
Digitas Taiwan Taiwan GC21.385523
Ruder Finn Asia China GC21.384678
Ylab Limited China GC21.383970
Greater China Content Marketing Agency of the Year Cedar Hong Kong  Hong Kong SAR GC22.384612
Energy BBDO China GC22.383575
Grey group China China GC22.384426
M&C Saatchi Spencer Hong Kong SAR GC22.385277
Red Ant Asia  China GC22.383943
Greater China Customer Engagement Agency of the Year Artefact China China GC23.383721
LEO Digital Network China GC23.384423
Media.Monks China China GC23.385087
Wiredcraft China GC23.384982
Wunderman Thompson China GC23.385553
Greater China Data Analytics Agency of the Year 55 the data company Hong Kong SAR GC24.385125
MediaCom HK Hong Kong SAR GC24.385579
Merkle China China GC24.384531
Publicis EDGE China GC24.385981
Wavemaker China GC24.383386
Greater China E-commerce Agency of the Year Baozun KiX China GC25.386284
Mindshare Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC25.384511
Publicis Commerce China China GC25.385436
VERYSTAR China GC25.384441
Wunderman Thompson China GC25.385560
Greater China Event Marketing Agency of the Year Vista Creation China GC26.383252
BBDO LIVE China GC26.383677
UNIPLAN China GC26.383727
Dentsu Public Relations Consulting Beijing China GC26.384443
Greater China Independent Agency of the Year Artefact China China GC27.383722
LIQUID GROUP China GC27.384060
Red Ant Asia China GC27.383941
Ruder Finn Asia China GC27.384679
Stink Studios China China GC27.385114
Greater China Influencer Marketing Agency of the Year dentsu X Taiwan Taiwan GC28.383835
INCA Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC28.386038
M&C Saatchi Spencer Hong Kong SAR GC28.385292
MAX Communication China GC28.384364
Red Ant Asia China GC28.383940
Greater China Integrated Marketing Agency of the Year dentsu mcgarrybowen Taiwan Taiwan GC29.383345
dentsu X Taiwan Taiwan GC29.383834
LEO Digital Network China GC29.384420
Media.Monks China China GC29.385089
Ogilvy China China GC29.383635
PHD Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC29.385064
Greater China Market Research Agency of the Year Edelman Data & Intelligence Hong Kong SAR GC30.383998
Kantar Profiles, Greater China China GC30.384656
Greater China Performance Agency of the Year dentsu China China GC31.384589
MediaCom HK Hong Kong SAR GC31.385588
Mindshare Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC31.384509
OMG Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR GC31.385077
Wavemaker China GC31.383385
Greater China Production Company of the Year M&C Saatchi Spencer Hong Kong SAR GC32.384983
Media.Monks China China GC32.385090
Prodigious China China GC32.385494
Tag China GC32.384109
Greater China Programmatic Agency of the Year Performics Taiwan Taiwan GC33.386152
Xaxis China GC33.384347
Greater China Social Media Agency of the Year @comm China GC34.383993
Energy BBDO China GC34.383673
MAX Communication China GC34.384365
Red Ant Asia  China GC34.383942
TBWA\BOLT Shanghai China GC34.384478
Greater China Specialist Agency of the Year Cheil Worldwide China China GC35.385099
Media.Monks China China GC35.385091
Publicis Luxe China GC35.384848
TBWA\Media Arts Lab Shanghai China GC35.383923
Ylab Limited China GC35.384151
Greater China Talent Development Program of the Year BBDO Greater China China GC36.383674
dentsu China GC36.384562
GroupM China China GC36.385935
Publicis Groupe China China GC36.383437
Zenith Taiwan Taiwan GC36.385011
Category Agency  Brand  Market ID
Greater China Agency Marketer Partnership of the Year dentsu China Intel China GC13.384563
Greater China Agency Marketer Partnership of the Year KIWI Communications Marriott International China GC13.386026
Greater China Agency Marketer Partnership of the Year McCann Worldgroup China Shanghai General Motors- Chevrolet China GC13.384736
Greater China Agency Marketer Partnership of the Year SG FOTILE China GC13.383484
Greater China Agency Marketer Partnership of the Year Zenith Taiwan Haleon Taiwan (GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare) Taiwan GC13.384883
Category Agency  Nominee/Team Market ID
Greater China Account Person of the Year Carat Aaron Zhang China GC37.384590
Starcom China Dawn Lin China GC37.385608
Starcom China Elaine Zhu China GC37.385612
Spark Foundry China Maggie Qian China GC37.385430
MediaCom HK Miffy Lee Hong Kong SAR GC37.385594
Greater China Agency Head of the Year Vista Creation Alex Zhu China GC38.383248
MediaCom HK Alice Chow Hong Kong SAR GC38.385599
dentsu Deric Wong China GC38.384437
Media.Monks China Rogier Bikker China GC38.385102
Grey group China Sharlene Wu China GC38.384429
Greater China Channel/Engagement Planner of the Year Grey group China Emerald Zhong China GC39.384433
Spark Foundry China Emma Chen China GC39.385416
Merkle China Hermes Ma China GC39.384532
Merkle China Lana Zhang China GC39.384533
Publicis Groupe China NG Brian Kwok Wai China GC39.385692
Greater China Corporate Communications/Marketing Team of the Year LEO Digital Network Music Chen and Team China GC40.384424
BBDO Greater China The Tiny Team China GC40.383869
Greater China Creative Person of the Year BBDO China Arthur Tsang China GC41.383866
Ogilvy Taiwan Giant Kung Taiwan GC41.383357
MetaDesign Sally Anderson China GC41.386034
The Orangeblowfish Siu Tang China GC41.383319
Greater China New Business Development Team of the Year Grey group China Borderless Business Development Team China GC42.384431
Publicis Media China China Growth Team China GC42.384827
dentsu China Integrated Growth Solutions Team China GC42.384559
MediaCom HK Neo DSI Hong Kong SAR GC42.385604
Mindshare Hong Kong The HIT Team Hong Kong SAR GC42.385519
Greater China Producer of the Year No Shortlist
Greater China Strategic/Brand Planner of the Year BBDO China Harry Chen China GC44.383872
Grey group China Kathy Liu China GC44.384432
Mindshare Hong Kong Kenneth Chan Hong Kong SAR GC44.385936
dentsu Mimi Lu China GC44.384594
Publicis Groupe China NG Brian Kwok Wai China GC44.385694
Saatchi & Saatchi Shanghai Rui Xia (Hilary) China GC44.385794
Greater China Young Achiever of the Year MSL China Alex Xu China GC45.383790
Initiative Hadrian Wang China GC45.385428
BBDO China Harry Chen China GC45.383871
Prodigious China Kathy Zhang China GC45.385526
MSL China Weiwen Wang China GC45.383791
Greater China Young Business Leader of the Year GroupM Nexus Brandon Cheung Hong Kong SAR GC46.385031
MSL China Jasmine Yang China GC46.384279
Zenith China Jessica Zheng China GC46.385007
BBDO LIVE Josh Cheung China GC46.383870
DeVries Global China Julie Wu China GC46.384645
Category Brand  Market ID
Greater China Brand of the Year ARCFOX China GC48.385984
Greater China Brand of the Year Pernod Ricard China China GC48.383383

Note: In categories with three or fewer entries, the judging scores will decide whether an entry is awarded a Gold, Silver or Bronze. In cases where there are fewer entries in the category, judges will unanimously decide whether there should be a shortlist and/or whether any trophies should be awarded at the second round of judging.

See more Agency of the Year coverage here.

Campaign Asia

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