The ongoing Singapore Kindness Campaign clearly has good intentions, but often seems to head off in odd directions. Last year, Ad Nut reported on videos from the organisation that:
- Had more to do with criminal activity than niceness, and
- Focused on the importance of enduring noisy neighbours—rather than asking people to keep quiet
Now comes the organisation's latest effort:
Ad Nut will set aside the laughably unrealistic conclusion of the story here, where the whining man-baby suddenly sees the error of his ways and not only apologises for his behaviour but actually thanks the total strangers who have admonished him in public.
Look, Ad Nut wholeheartedly agrees with the comments the organisation attached to the video:
We are the sum of our moments. And when our moments of kindness overcome our doubts, we can be greater and more beautiful. Kindness. It’s up to us.
But unless Ad Nut is crazy, the goal of kindness would also be advanced if people didn't make a bunch of racket at night and refrained from unleashing their pent-up rage following accidental spills. Ad Nut gets that both sides play a part in defusing tense situations, but questions why the Kindness Campaign continues to spend its video-production money admonishing the innocent rather than the real jerks.
Ad Nut can't be the only one whose fur is rubbed the wrong way by this. Right?
Maybe the campaign's cartoon series (now entering its second 'season') is better?
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