Digital agency Medialand Taipei created an online campaign called ‘Taro Team’ for HeySong that follows Taro's path to becoming an actor and model, and introduces viewers to fellow actor Mr DuBianZhongGuang (which translates to ‘chubby middle waistline’).
The ad's creative concept revolves around the inconvenience of being overweight, exhibited when Mr DBZG had a tough time filming a scene because his sword was stuck under his belt.
The campaign further encourages those who empathise with Mr DBZG to upload their photos to the site and pinch their 'fat areas'.
The interactive website, which compliments the brand's latest television commercial, developed by local agency Caplock, also has an animated notebook in which Taro records his observations on his grumpy mentor. The website will be updated as the campaign goes forward.

Translated synopsis:
Voice over: Taro has started acting.
The main character is Mr DuBianZhongGuang.
When Mr DBZG pulls out his sword, Master told him to react like this *ahhh*.
Taro: Yes, Master.
*The battle begins.
Voice over: Everything is going smoothly according to the script. But…
*The sword is stuck.
Film director: Suck up your belly!
Voice over: It’s about time that Mr DBZG tries Heysong’s camellia tea.
Project Taro Team Online Campaign
Client HeySong Corporation Taiwan
Digital creative agency Medialand digi-tech Inc
Designers Lenin, Alice, Nicole
Action script MarkVann
Asp net Jack
Planning supervisor Jarvis
Media planning Lena
Project manager Simon
Project executives Kayla, Chase
Creative agency Caplock
Exposure Television, online