“To be ‘savvy’ is to ‘understand’ and ‘comprehend’. Thus, to drink savvy means to understand alcohol and how it affects us. More importantly, it is about making well-informed and responsible decisions about drinking,” explained Roland Pirmez, CEO of APB.
Appealing to drinkers in twelve regional markets, the initiative also incorporates social media such as Twitter and Facebook and Chinese sites Orkut and KaiXingWang. APB is also challenging local influencers and bloggers to host Drink Savvy parties and share their experiences in planning and hosting a good event.
Pirmez added: “We understand that to promote positive drinking habits, we need the support and collaboration of many communities around us.” The campaign has invited industry partners, Government bodies and opinion leaders from the region to endorse the Drink Savvy message. Additionally, the project has paired with various local initiatives: it is linked to a TV drama in Vietnam, a music campaign with a local band in Singapore, and a designated-driver party in Sri Lanka.
Project Drink Savvy
Client Asia Pacific Breweries
Digital agency Earth9, Singapore
PR agency Foreword Communications
Exposure Online