
Apr 19, 2021

Why Chow Tai Fook sees opportunity in rural China and lower-tier cities

The jewellery retailer sees very similar online consumption trends in rural and urban customers, and says rural stereotypes are oversimplified.

Jul 19, 2019

How rural Indonesians use technology, and the lessons for brands

CULTURAL RADAR: Brands need to pay attention to how Indonesia's villages are using technology and give them a voice in solutions made for them.

Jan 14, 2016

Why foreign brands may see little upside to Alibaba's rural e-commerce plans

CHINA - The warm-up period for the Alibaba Lunar New Year Shopping Festival (阿里年货节) is set to start today, with the actual five-day shopping festival to begin on 17 January. While greater penetration of China’s underserved rural markets is the focus this year, most foreign brands are likely to see little upside in this battlefield. Here's why.

Apr 24, 2015

Rural tech: Reaching out to Asia’s unconnected millions

A rising tide of mobile-phone coverage sweeping Asia-Pacific is turning marketers’ attentions to untapped rural consumers.

Jun 19, 2014

CASE STUDY: How Colgate-Palmolive won Myanmar’s first ever Cannes Lion

Colgate Palmolive’s ‘Education for Packaging’ campaign, conceived by Red Fuse Communications Hong Kong together with Y&R Yangon, has won Myanmar’s first-ever Cannes Lion awards.

Jul 30, 2013

Roads less travelled reach rural consumers

AUDIENCE TARGETING: Brands looking to sustain growth by tapping into rural areas cannot rely on clever digital marketing to reach their target audience.

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