kristian barnes

Mar 19, 2019

Sean O'Brien, Kristian Barnes, Sunil Yadav no longer at Dentsu Aegis

Three more high-level DAN executives are now known to have left the network following a major restructuring of media operations.

Aug 30, 2017

Vizeum gets new APAC CEO as Kristian Barnes steps up to DAN client role

Duncan Pointer is the new APAC CEO at Vizeum, as Kristian Barnes takes on a new group-level client role.

Mar 21, 2017

Is creativity AI’s final frontier?

All signs point to AI systems having the ability to be creative. Will they augment us, or replace us?

Mar 7, 2016

My clothes are smart(er)

Will smart fabrics usher in the true 'wearables' revolution?

Jul 21, 2015

Should you be afraid of AI?

As part of our Campaign Innovate series, Kristian Barnes, CEO of Vizeum Asia-Pacific, discusses the potential impact emergent AI will have on the ad industry and our lives.

Mar 4, 2015

'I’m sorry Dave, you don’t actually like that': When AIs know better

Artificial Intelligences (AIs) are not theatening the existence of the human race. (Yet.) But precursors of true AIs, according to Vizeum head honcho Kristian Barnes, are already having an impact, including on marketing.