fossil fuels

Jun 6, 2024

UN chief calls for ban on fossil fuel ads to combat climate change

UN secretary-general António Guterres has directly called for PR agencies to stop working with fossil fuel clients, and ‘acting as enablers to planetary destruction’.

May 16, 2024

Activists 'hack' billboards to protest against Shell advertising

OOH campaign by Brandalism precedes Shell’s London AGM this month.

Mar 8, 2023

Extinction Rebellion targets Edelman staff in protest fronted by ex-employee

Extinction Rebellion protested outside Edelman’s London office yesterday, hand-delivering letters to staff and installing a ‘green-washing line’ which asked the agency to ‘cut the ties with fossil fuels’.

Jan 20, 2022

More than 450 scientists call on PR, creative agencies to drop fossil fuel clients

The open letter, released through Clean Creatives and the Union of Concerned Scientists, calls for an end to campaigns that "obfuscate or downplay our data and the risk of the climate emergency." It's the latest salvo between Clean Creatives and Edelman.

Nov 10, 2021

Celebrities and influencers urge Edelman to drop fossil-fuel clients in open letter

Agency CEO has denied Edelman has worked to undermine climate-change regulation.

Jun 3, 2021

11 coming signs advertising is ready for its reckoning with fossil fuels

There is a gulf between the way agencies talk about working with fossil fuel clients and the story told by the money spent by those companies.