
Jun 17, 2016

Brands race with #RunOstrichRun in Malaysia

A runaway ostrich filmed making a break for it on a highway in Kuala Lumpur sparks some interesting brand reactions.

Mar 18, 2016

Mindshare Malaysia snags Digi’s digital business

MALAYSIA - Digi Telecommunications has appointed Mindshare Malaysia as its digital agency, effective 1 April.

Nov 25, 2015

Telenor's DiGi moves to Mindshare, regional pitch results pending

MALAYSIA - Sources have confirmed that Mindshare Malaysia has won the media account for Telenor-owned DiGi Malaysia following a multi-market pitch.

Sep 30, 2014

Dragon Rouge to handle DiGi’s rebranding

SINGAPORE - Malaysia's third largest telco, Telenor-owned DiGi, has picked Dragon Rouge, most likely for an upcoming rebranding initiative.

Jul 22, 2014

How DiGi converted a viral video into a PR win

With a quick reaction, Malaysian teleco DiGi turned a road-rage incident into an exemplary public-relations win befitting its Ramadan-related campaign.

Jul 17, 2014

Five agencies in pitch for DiGi Malaysia creative account

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia's third largest telco, Telenor-owned DiGi, is holding a creative pitch involving five agencies.

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