bbdo guerrero

Nov 3, 2022

Creative Minds: Making unique Blackpink lightsticks was a full-circle moment for Mica Dela Rosa

Get to know the associate creative director of BBDO Guerrero who talks about a dream date with musical genius Jacob Collier, tapping to margarita glasses and her odd talent of doing creepy witch voices.

Apr 28, 2022

These destination photos reveal a hidden silhouette

In a new Philippines tourism campaign by BBDO Guerrero, photographer Jason Quibilan takes stunning photos that house a common Easter egg in each.

Aug 25, 2021

How reuse of ice cream tubs became a branding opportunity for Pepsi

A scene from a Pepsi ad—about finding frozen squid when you're hoping for ice cream—struck a chord with Filipinos. So the cola giant capitalised on it with a fun label generator.

Apr 19, 2021

Change baby's diaper to avoid mythical monsters

A BBDO campaign for Sweety mines Indonesian folklore to create three grouchy little monsters akin to babies suffering from diaper rash. Also, don't miss the funny radio ads.

Mar 22, 2021

Is this shampoo bar a billion-bottle idea?

BBDO Guerrero says it has developed a "dissolving bottle". In reality, the agency has done nothing of the sort. But its idea still has merit.

Dec 10, 2020

Lay’s spreads cheer with pseudo-rap Christmas tune

In a new music video for the brand, BBDO Guerrero decks Filipino crooner Jose Mari Chan in an ugly Christmas sweater and heavy jewellery.

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