
May 6, 2024

Like Dolby audio, child abuse may be 'all around you' in powerful Cheil film

The takeoff of Dolby's iconic cinema prelude effectively highlights the need to report violence against kids on behalf of Save the Children Hong Kong.

Jul 14, 2021

Should social media users be required to prove their ID to stamp out online abuse?

Campaigners argue that no identity equals no accountability.

Aug 22, 2018

In this campaign, there are literally no excuses for abuse

Perpetrators and victims try to explain away abusive behaviour, but this Australian campaign for a non-profit organisation won't let them.

Jul 26, 2017

There's a reason this boy astronaut wants to escape his world

Beautiful film from US makes a strong point about heroes.

Jan 3, 2017

No LOLs in this mannequin-challenge video

A creepy look at child sexual exploitation in Naga DDB Tribal's followup to 'Nursery crimes'.

Aug 17, 2016

Myer sets up 'Give Registry' for victims of abuse starting over

With Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, the retailer makes everyday items into a powerful idea in support of abuse victims.