Tara Hirebet

Jun 23, 2014

Tap cultural undercurrents to endear your brand

What draws consumers to a brand in Singapore? Tara Hirebet the former Asia Pacific head of trendwatching.com, looks at top brands in the country and offers insight about local trends that marketers could leverage for building better bonds with potential customers on the affluent island.

Aug 15, 2013

'Wellthy': Health is wealth, and the priority spend

With environmental and food-safety concerns on the increase, innovations that allow consumers to control both their well-bring and their impact on the planet stand to make health into wealth for brands.

Jul 10, 2013

Crowd cracked: Brands should support the wisdom of ...

Using the wisdom of the community for the benefit of the community.

May 27, 2013

Mum's the word, and the ultimate consumer

Cater to a 'mumsumer', and you can become the go-to brand that caters to her entire family—and every other mom she recommends you to.

May 3, 2013

Why Asia will never be too cool for schools

Strong demand for education among Asian parents means marketers can get ahead by offering products and services that help children excel in their studies.

Mar 27, 2013

Turn pride in Asian culture into capital for your brand

Tara Hirebet, head of Asia-Pacific at Trendwatching.com, presents four ways that local and multinational brands can embrace the rising global influence of Asian culture for fun and profit.

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