Social media monitoring company Jamiq tracked all online and social media, including news, tweets and blogs, for mention of SEA’s advertising agencies.
Attracting the most buzz online was McCann Group, with almost 500 unique mentions, closely followed by DDB and JWT. Dentsu neared the 300-mark, followed by BBDO, Ogilvy, TBWA, Lowe, Leo Burnett and Y&R. Generating the least buzz were Saatchi & Saatchi and Grey Group.
Its findings, based upon social media activity in December 2010, cover the markets of Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Head of client leadership Benjamin Koe said that the data is sorted by market, and tracking can be carried out for any brand names. He added that the monitoring works best for brands, rather than anything generic.
The data acquired for this chart was taken from JamiQ's social media monitoring solution over the month of December 2010. Based on keywords that include the agency's brand and popular abbreviations, JamiQ captured every unique mention on the social media originating from Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. This data is composed of the raw buzz gained from each brand from these SEA markets. Instances of ambiguity have been removed by the creator of this report.