ChinaJoy is the event for anyone interested in the massive Chinese gaming world, from consumers to industry professionals.
Prior to and during the event, the biggest online buzz driver turned out to be the 'show girls.' Like their counterparts at the Beijing Auto Show, game promoters made extensive use of sexy women dressed in miniskirts to promote hardware and software brands at the event.
On 28 July, 14 per cent of all comments tracked through CIC's IWOMdiscover tracking platform were guessing what type of girl will be promoting the IT products. This was fueled by a listing of many of the girls' Sina Weibo accounts.
The trend scales up on the second day of the event after participants actually saw and shared their experiences. 25 per cent of comments started to sing the beautiful event promoters' praises. Indeed, the tracking of the buzz around ChinaJoy seems to support the age old adage that sex sells.