Go China, a 10-part bi-weekly series, is aimed at serving readers with China business or travel interests. The debut issue on 26 April is on Chengdu, with subsequent issues covering Chongqing, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Dalian, Shenyang, Qingdao and Harbin.
The series features the latest city news, views and updates, targeting a broad spectrum of readers, from executives in multi-national companies and financial institutes to personal and corporate investors, and from embassies and tourism boards, to business and leisure travellers.
The print version are distributed free of charge together with the South China Morning Post with the online version are accessible at Scmp.com/gochinasite.
SCMP cited it has good support in advertising with not only commercial entities, but also China Government officials and municipals.
“The world’s focus is heavily centred on China’s second tier cities, finding up-to-date insights on each of the key cities is information that is hard to come by, and even harder to find from a source you can trust,” said Elsie Cheung, chief operating officer of SCMP.
“Go China allows advertisers to deliver their message to an engaged and receptive reader that’s actively looking to invest, work in or travel to these cities.”