The first Red Bull Flugtag event in Southeast Asia will be held in Siloso Beach, Singapore on 28 October and is expected to draw 50,000 people.
Flugtag, which means 'flying day' in German, aims to bring to life the brand’s famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings', by providing Singaporeans a chance to design, build and pilot human-powered flying machines off a six-metre high flight deck in the hopes of soaring into the sky or plunging into the waters below.
The energy drink brand has appointed SPRG as its PR agency. A video promoting the event has already been launched on its microsite and YouTube, and 98.7FM radio has also come onboard as a media partner.
“Our print ads for Red Bull Flugtag include our cartoon bull, that has been synonymous with the Red Bull brand since the beginning and embodies the brand philosophy of being professional, success-oriented and entrepreneurial while being self confident enough to not take ourselves so seriously,” a spokesperson told Campaign Asia-Pacific.
Red Bull Singapore is leading the creative and event management of Red Bull Flugtag.
It is targeted at “anyone who loves life, is innovative, daring and does not take himself too seriously”, with the aim to create and give Singaporeans an unforgettable day of “flying”.
The first Red Bull Flugtag was held in Austria in 1992. As of end-2011, there have been a total of 108 Flugtags. The record for the longest flight is 69.79m set on 28 May at the Red Bull Flugtag in Mainz, Germany by the team 'Die Rückkehr der Teichfighter', meaning 'The return of the pond fighter'.
Registration closes 15 August, and Red Bull will select from all applications a total of 40 teams. The prize is valued at over SG$14,000, including an additional skydiving package for the winning 'pilot'.