The final tally is not yet available. Last year's event raised more than US$50,000.
The event, held at The Cube at PMQ in Hong Kong's Central district, included a silent auction, table sales and a casino-night event on behalf of Mother's Choice, which provides loving and nurturing care for babies and children needing permanent homes and for single girls and their families facing crisis pregnancies.
Items bid upon and purchased by various leaders of the region's media industry in the silent auction included paintings by Picasso and Chagall, a three-night stay in Rome, a private box at Ascot for 12 people, Wimbledon 2016 tickets for two, and a 7-night stay at Villa Girifalco in Tuscany for up to 12 people.
Josh Black, CEO of GroupM Content, bemoaned his up-and-down night at the casino games, but praised the venue and the industry for coming out. "It was a great night," he said. "I had lots of fun catching up with people, and it’s always good when the industry gets together for a good cause."
One of Mother's Choice efforts is Project Bridge, which "connects nurturing volunteer 'bridge families' to children with special needs who are waiting to be adopted." Children with special needs typically wait longer to join their 'forever families' and research has shown that it is far better for them to wait in a family, not institutional care, according to the organisation.