In The Martian, Matt Damon played a man who faced major challenges taking care of his simplest survival needs while on another planet. In this video, he talks about women who face similar hardships right here on earth—those for whom collecting water is a daily burden.
It's the actor's second year fronting the 'Buy a lady a drink' effort for Stella Artois, which says it has brought clean drinking water for 290,000 people. In the new video, Damon's star power is nearly overshadowed by his co-star, a tower of drinking glasses that form a helix-shaped zoetrope.
When it comes to recent zoetrope-based videos, Ad Nut and friends remain partial to the one created by Airbnb (which made Campaign's list of the best APAC ads of 2015). But this one is still pretty neat. Here's the making-of video:
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