Entitled Scoot, the publication provides news and information about the airline in addition to promoting new routes and the latest travel trends. Targeting young ang young-at-heart travellers, the magazine also carries content covering fashion, sports, food and culture at destinations.
“We are really excited about launching our first flights in June this year. All the pieces of the puzzle, including the magazine, are now being put into place,” said Campbell Wilson, CEO of Scoot.
“With its understanding of Scoot’s brand and audience, we believe that Ink will be able to produce an in-flight magazine that reflects our values and what we stand for. We know that the creative team at Ink will deliver a magazine that engages with and strengthens our relationship with our guests,” he added.
Gerry Ricketts, managing director of Ink Singapore, said, “As this is a new magazine, we have a blank canvas to develop compelling and creative content that truly engages with the passenger and reflects the brand values and commercial objectives of one of the most innovative new airlines to launch this year.”
He added that the service can also be expanded into other media, including targeted advertising on confirmation pages, emails, itineraries, check-in emails and print-at-home boarding passes.