Staff Reporters
Dec 5, 2011

Kit Kat app offers Christmas CrazyPrezzies

SINGAPORE – Kit Kat Singapore has launched a digital campaign for Christmas, through XM/JWT Singapore, targeted at cash-strapped youth aged 18 to 26.

The "Christmas CrazyPrezzies" Facebook app

With the tagline “For a Christmas that’s more naughty than nice. Have a break, have a Kit Kat”, a Facebook app, Christmas CrazyPrezzies, was created to give young Singaporeans a chance to create a mischief with a series of witty online gifts designed to deliver a smile.

Jun Fukawa, chief creative officer at JWT Singapore, said the idea was a “secret Santa” meets naughty and fun. “It is a Facebook app that lets our young audience give silly gifts to their friends and make fun of them all. Kit Kat is the smile in their break.”

When Facebook users click on the app, a huge flaming candy machine will fall from the sky and land squarely on Santa himself. Users will then have to pull a lever on the machine, and one out of 13 shareable gifts will pop out.

Those gifts range from sarcastic Christmas cards, goofy card tricks and a “time machine hairdo” that snaps onto photos of friend that users select from their Facebook albums. The tongue-in-cheek gifts then will appear on their friend‘s wall.

Magdalene Tan, group brand manager (confectionery) at Nestle Singapore, said, “JWT Singapore’s proposal for Kit Kat Christmas CrazyPrezzies spoke to us as we felt strongly that it would appeal to our target audience on Facebook. We hope its tongue-in-cheek and irreverent sense of humour will put the smile in people’s breaks.”

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